August 8, 2012

20 weeks!

 20 weeks marks that we are half way there! I can't believe it. I actually feel like this pregnancy is moving along and there will eventually be an end at some point. Its been extremely rough being pregnant a third time. My body sure knows what is going on but it doesn't mean I don't feel it. 

Noah helped me with the pictures. I have to say, not bad for an almost 4 year old!

This pregnancy started out just like the last two. I was vomiting every day, all day starting at just 4 weeks pregnant and it seemed like I would continue the torture through to the end...just like the last two. To my (everyone's) surprise, I started to feel a little better at 16 weeks. I now get sick first think in the morning, I try to beat it with a zofran and then feel quite normal through the rest of the day. 

Here is our little angel. He or She was calm and peaceful during the ultrasound. Lets hope He or She stays that way for...well...the rest of life! I was happy to see that everything looked great. I have been having quite a bit of Braxton Hicks contractions already and it makes me nervous. I am being told to take it easy and really listen to my body. The last thing I want is to push myself now only to be on bed rest later! Please be praying for an uneventful second half of this pregnancy!

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